Anthony Wayne Area Council
Scholarship & CCLT
Trails End Scholarship Enrollment Form
Scouts who sell at lease $2,500 in one Calendar year receive 6% of their total sales invested in their own college scholarship account. Once enrolled 6% of future sales will be added to their account. Scouts only have to hit $2,500 once.
When ready to use download this form and instruction to receive your Trails End Popcorn Scholarship.
Questions? Contact:
Trails End Scholarship Payout Form
Scouts who sell at least $2,500 (online, face-to-face, or combination) in any calendar year will have 6% of their Qualified Product Sales count towards their own Trail's End Scholarship*. Once enrolled, 6% of their sales each year will go towards the scholarship. Reporting of sales is not automatic, and forms must be submitted to Trail's End each year following the guidelines below. Scouts only have to hit the $2,500 minimum one time, and don't forget online sales count!
BONUS: Every year, the Top 5 Scouts in each region (Northeast, South, Central, West) will receive an additional 6% of their Qualified Product Sales credited towards their scholarship, up to the $1,000 annual maximum.
Proceeds from the Trail's End Scholarship are taxable. If a Scout earns more than $600**, Trail's End will send a 1099 to the Scout for the year in which the payout was made. Consult with your tax preparer to learn how this may affect you. Even with a tax liability, the net proceeds from the program provide a positive benefit to participating Scouts.
*Calendar year is January 1 to December 31.
**Or as IRS regulations may specify.
Email to request your scholarship account statement.
**Please note the information above on the taxable nature of the Trail’s End Scholarship program, additional information, forms, and other resources can be found at: and
Sell $1,500 - Cub Scouts - Webelos earn full credit to attend Cub Resident Camp for 2020
Sell $2500 - Arrow of Lights and Scouts BSA earn full credit to attend Resident Camp for 2020